Wednesday, January 7, 2009

A couple days ago...

I snagged this screen of Xanadu, I don't think it has 4%heal crit on it I think it's only 2% I will get an updated screen later.

I got me a shiny new purple helm, which brings my TSO Inquisitor set up to 4 pieces. With 4 pieces, they add a nice HP boost to the group as well as a nice chunk of DPS, but I think it is still bugged and wont provide bonuses after 10 meters.

Later that night, I picked up a wrist and with that I was at 100% self buffed heal crit. So I decided to remove the AA's from my heal crit, which drops me down to 86%. I also removed my intelligence line, which I mainly took for the cast speed, but with my items and raid buffs I was already past the point of diminishing returns, the sixteenth of a second I was shaving off my group heal didn't warrant all the ponts spent in the casting speed line.

So I started putting things back in to DPS.

I picked up E:Yalp, Overwhelming Arms and Fanatical devotion as new AA lines although I am going to re-do that tree when I build up some more plat because took the group buffs thinking that the added % to mitigation would be decent, but now I think it's a waste of AA when I can have the points somewhere more important.

I pulled out my DPS gear that had been sitting in my bags unused for almost 2 and a half months and modified my DPS set some to include some new gear, and went to town on some training dummies to test the items I have.

During our raid in Palace, I was in the range of 4.8k to 5.5k dps on "palace trash". Which I was pretty happy with, but with a couple items I know I can improve that DPS.

Oh, Sweet I am #1 world wide for inquisitors on HP! But I don't remember setting my toon to anon.. :)

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