Thursday, July 2, 2009

Health, Disease and Flame down, Ykesha drops loot!

Last night we killed Avatars of Health, Disease and Flame! We then cleared YIS, the Crazzel won the Band of Mreeptahp's Fury off Ykesha, with his massive dkp and 100% attendance. Seven people bid max on it, I don't think I will be seeing this ring for a while. :)

I wanted to experiment, I used a chunk of my plat split to power level my new alt Pali, Grumbly with collections, from 27, to 57. With a little bit of adventuring I got him to 62 and 35aa last night and bought a full set of master crafted armor and jewelry. I had probably spent over 500plat , buying roughly 150 collections and the armor. I have not bought spells or ca's yet.
I was a little upset that it the power level expiriment didn't level him higher, but I guess I can deal, now I just need to figure out how to play the character, casting order and all that wonderful stuff. :P

One interesting thing I found out about paladins is they have about as many heals as my Inquisitor, save emergancy heals, I could be wrong, but it seems that if you make a gear set more in the line of a traditional healers set, they could fill in as a back up healer.

I should have spent that plat on buying the remaining collections needed for Grump, since he's only a few AA from being from cap and Grouser could use a couple masters. Oh well, 8 more plat splits to go, before the next expansion. :)

Grouser, got his mythical! I know I said in the past that buying updates was cheesy, but since DA will never go back to the hell hole, piece of shit that is Veshan's Peak, ever, ever again. I snagged an update for cheap from a guild that is still progressing from VP.

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