Tuesday, March 10, 2009

OW!, Oh and a pile of porn!

Ever had one of those days that just start off bad? First things first, I fell out of bed this morning, landing head first, that's on the right side of my head.

The past couple weeks we've had a lot of warm days that melts the snow and has left a nice sheet of ice in our driveway, you know that thick wet ice.

Then I managed to slip and fall on the ice and hit my left side of my head on the car door while opening it, also managing to scrape my knee and elbow on the ice mixed with gravel and during my fall I hurt my chest, head arms and a knee and my neck hurts like hell.

After pulling myself in to the car I sat for a minute to relax and take a deep breath. I started the car and put it in reverse. I am stuck in the Ice, tires are just spinning, after about a couple minutes of going forward and reverse and left and right, I finally found a path out and while in reverse the car starts to slide, stuck again! I manage to find my way out of the ice a bit quicker, but the frustration of the morning is already kicked in. You know when you start yelling at inanimate objects and imaginary people in the sky... The f'bomb was uttered probably about 200 times in a few minute period.

I get to work and sit down and my first customer was one of the local wack jobs, who for some reason hang around Main St. in the morning. This guy was yelling how he got thrown out of the bookstore just down the street. He didn't explain why, but for the next 32 minutes he was very vocal about his fascination with hand cuffs and pepper spray, and uses "non-judicial use" as he called it, he started getting disgusting and I had to ask him to leave.

If he wasn't one of the local crazy guys that wonder the street for no apparent reason I would have called the police.

Lunch time, I put one of the micro-wave burgers in and set it for the recommended two minutes, well about forty seconds in to the cooking I hear a loud POP! The burger literally exploded in side of the micro wave.

Game over man, Game over...

A little Jack Black and Lonely Island... 'Cause it's funny and I need funny right now.

If I didn't need help I wouldn't be f*cking standing here!

So yeah, the day just keeps getting worse, At about 1:50, I decided to go take a quick bio, it was a #1 so I didn't even think about locking the door, I should have. Sorta.

I heard someone come in the store as I was doing my business so I quickly finished up, shook it off and washed my hands. I walked out of the bathroom while drying my hands and there's an older lady, probably in her mid 40's. I ask if she needed any help and yelled, IF I DIDN'T NEED HELP I WOULDN'T BE F*CKING STANDING HERE!

Other than being shocked at her yelling at me there was a pile of porno DVDs sitting on the counter. She claimed that her son, who is a minor, purchased the Adult DVDs at our store and demanded to speak with the owner and all that jazz that unhappy customers do.

Attempting to be as nice as possible I explained to her that we don't sell porno, never have sold porno and pointed out that our store is pretty kid friendly as we sell Video games new and used, Magic the Gathering, D&D and Yu-Gi-Oh! (Our store's website is here! Yes, Gerrod* I will be doing work, eventually today!) Still unconvinced, she demanded that the money be returned, the employee who sold him the porno be fired. Since Gerrod was working the day she claimed her sone bought all the porno, I jokingly said I would gladly fire my boss. I explained that we've never sold porn, never will sell porn, seemingly convinced she finally left with her pile of porn.

I still hurt, but it's not as bad as the time I twisted a testicle...

* Gerrod is the owner of Area 51 the store I work at and is also one of the guild leaders of Dracos Argent. I have raided at work.

A song for Gerrod...


Toldain said...

Today must be "Dump on Grump Day". My sympathies. Here's hoping tomorrow will be better.

Grump said...

You know what the kicker is? No LU today, I was really looking forward to that. That would have made my day just a little bit better!