Thursday, September 4, 2008

GU48 = The Good, The Bad and the Really Ugly.

Game Update 48 was patched on the live servers yesterday, here is my mini-review of it.

It was a relatively short patch only taking about 4 minutes to install, the first thing I inspected was the build #, which was 5075T, which meant that some one forgot to patch the live FIXED version to the servers.

Broken Items and Veshan's Peak: Sigh, I did not fall for this one, since I don't generally have the public channels on, since Butcherblock is full of retards, although guildies were trying to crash me, I resisted and only clicked on Guild broadcasted links. I am so glad we did not run VP last night, it doesn't unlock till friday night. (boo.) Word of broken wingbeats and mobs, zone crashes spread across the Inquisitor world wide channel and from a RL friend that is AM.

Veksar: The very first thing I did after logging on was hit Veksar with a group of guild mates, we cleared it after figuring out how the doors work, we cleared it pretty fast, and was disappointed that the zone was so easy and short, I know that it's only a preview of what to come
but we were hoping for a little challenge.

Everfrost: I always liked Everfrost to solo in it, pretty large zone, could xp forever with out seeing another player, I got my first fabled piece off the contested shark back in T5. They revamped it and made it a little better, if there was housing avalible you would have almost everything you need for a starting zone!

I wanted the healer boach for all my healers, I have 3 - Two Inquisitors (I created a second inquisitor at the begining of the ROK expansion because I wasn't sure I wanted to betray from a templar - This one will betray to a templar as soon as I get to 65) and a Fury (for transportation).

The Quest line for the broach is fairly easy, the only real difficulty is ALL the rewards were pretty decent for all classes, so when I was running the quest line, there was 99+ other players doing the same thing, which made finding "Big Horn Sheep" hard to find, I spent two hours on that part and almost gave up for the night until 3 popped right in front of me and I completed the quest.

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