That pick up group I was on the other day was the worst pick up group I have ever been on. There were constant AFKs, no pull warnings, long waits between pulls "KoS "dps from scouts, a shit talking summoner who's dps was barely breaking 1.3k at best and a guardian who couldn't hold agro - A twenty minute zone that took over two hours NOT to finish and two repair bots.
Deblin, Bonoman, Vegaxe, Foresaken and myself teamed up to do the Daily Double. Which was located in one of the Void zones. We soon realized that the Daily Double was one of the first steps in the Signature Quest line, so we started that and we worked on that through chapter five.
Bonoman, left for the day, While the four of us were looking for another group, Genjii, one of our healers suggested that we start the "Mysterious Mark" heritage quest line. The HQ starts in The Ruins of Guk, in the Halls of the Fallen instance he and Deblin already had open and cleared.
Our group adding Genjii and Sequel grabbed the starter, and followed the quest line all the way through to the end. With no walk through on EQ2I we had fun figuring out the quest line, which and we fought some really interesting and tough mobs, which made it fun.
The last step was entertaining for me as takes you through the halls of the Unseen (a copied version of Free Thinkers Hideout one of my favorite raid zones in EoF) located under the Butcherblock docks, it is full of assassins and other shady villains who want to kill you.
We got about 5 platinum and 70% aaxp, a bunch guild status, a few suffix titles; "the Voice" (final), a barrel that is a port device to Butcherblock Mountains and the Heritage reward of Dark Mail Gloves. The whole quest seemed short, but from start to finish it was almost four hours, but it was fun figuring out and spending time with friends. Sequel got the server discovery for the mage gloves, which he was very excited about.
Over all I found the quest entertaining and it did not seem like a grind like most Heritage Quests and Signature quests seem to me.
I eventually will get the fabled ones have that 10% base heal bonus, but when the patterns for inquisitors have not dropped yet.
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