Tuesday, May 5, 2009

You just can't make this stuff up!

So I am at work, For those who don't know, I work at Area51 Cortland. We sell used DVDs, CDs, Video Games, Table games like Magic: The Gathering, Dungeons & Dragons and Minis. We also have T-shirts & Fantasy Statuary and many other things that If I were to list it would take all day. It's a fun job, I brag about being able to play games all day, hell I have raided Avatars at work before.

We often get our share of unique and wacky customers, "Superman" who is a skinny black guy who thinks he is Superman and dresses up in a custom made Superman outfit, cape and all. The "Preacher" an overwaight head case who walks down Main St. just about every morning with his Mtn Dew bottle shouting what he thinks is God's word, which turns out to be gibberish most of the time. Today an new customer came in, I am going to call him "The Witch"

So an older guy comes in the store a few minutes ago, even before I have a chance to say hello to him, he says "Just here to look at your CDs" He walks over to the DVD section instead of the CD section so that puzzles me a bit. After a couple minutes of looking, he says "Got anything on witches?" I tell him I think we may have Blair witch project in our horror section or Harry Potter in the kid section and walk around the counter intending to help him find it. He looks at me and says "How do I become a witch?"

"Uh, Uh... I have no clue" I say caught off guard of the question, "We have these Harry Potter movies right here" Pointing to the kids section. "It's all about kids that go to school to learn how to learn magic". I hold the DVD up to show him and he yells "FAKES" and starts waving his hands like he's casting a spell then he stops mid cast, as the dragon candle holders we have, caught his attention and walks towards the front of the store looking at the statuary and candle holders. He abruptly decides he has to leave and kind of jogs out the door, I say "Have a great day!". On the way out he screams "I PUT A SPELL ON YOU!".

New crazy customer of the day...

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