Friday, October 31, 2008
Correction! I miscounted!
I miscounted our total Avatar kills; we are actually at 77 Avatars and 20 Tangrin kills!
The Shadow Odyssey NDA Lifted!
Happy Halloween folks!
TSO's NDA has been lifted. Here is our AA Tree!

This is the basic AA Tree that everyone gets, you need 10 points to continue to the next line, I put 5 in both focused mind and hearty constitution for additional HP and power.

Next is the generic healer AA Tree, for this one I put 5 in Protective Prayer and Prayer of healing.
This is the cleric shared AA Tree. I maxed each of the following; Allied Prayers, Devoted Allegiance, Blessed Yelp and Overwhelming Arms and in to Sacrifice, probably one of the best AAs in the whole tree!
For the final tree I maxed Fanatical Devotion (which hits for around the 200 range when it procs and always seems to be up!). Atonement of Sins and Both the "Healing Stance" Redemption of faith and persecution.
So far I am not greatly impressed by the Tree, Sacrifice and Fanatical Devotion and the stances are by far the best of the trees offerings. I guess we will see when the game goes live how things end up.
TSO's NDA has been lifted. Here is our AA Tree!

This is the basic AA Tree that everyone gets, you need 10 points to continue to the next line, I put 5 in both focused mind and hearty constitution for additional HP and power.

Next is the generic healer AA Tree, for this one I put 5 in Protective Prayer and Prayer of healing.

So far I am not greatly impressed by the Tree, Sacrifice and Fanatical Devotion and the stances are by far the best of the trees offerings. I guess we will see when the game goes live how things end up.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Avatar of Flame is a wuss.
AoF dead, again! This makes 74th consecutive avatar killed by Dracos Argent!
Dracos Argent will be recruiting some folks in preperation to the new expansion. If you think you can be a part of the best guild on Butcherblock head over to the Dracos Argent's website and app!
Dracos Argent will be recruiting some folks in preperation to the new expansion. If you think you can be a part of the best guild on Butcherblock head over to the Dracos Argent's website and app!
Monday, October 27, 2008
Avatar of War & The Tangrin
It was a busy off night as both Avatar of War and The Tangrin popped with in a couple hours of each other, killed them both on first pull. Avatar of War dropped nothing spectacular an item that we've seen a half dozen times already, while The Tangrin dropped another Empowered Talon of Milyex.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Avatar of Mischief & Avatar of Fear
Avatars have become a lot more exciting! Immortallis has shown a presence at the last three Avatars. If not for a few mistakes at the end of the fight we would have lost AoM to them!
It's still a fun fight, but the loot wasn't that great, infact it was the same exact loot as the Avatar of Storms kill, Censer and a master. I think this could be the 3rd AoM kill with the same exact loot as the previous Avatar kill, I think somthing could be wrong with AoM's loot table, I have bugged it, although this late in the expansion I doubt anything will be done to fix him since the tables are going to be stripped next expansion anyway.
Avatar of Fear's 3rd and most likly final showing on our server was fun, because it was a totally new encounter from the Avatar of Fear in June, the old one was a constant fear power drain fight which was challenging, but kind of sucked because I was litterally jammed in a corner casting group buffs to trigger power items and the heal off "convert ally", it was a fight just like the original Byzola where it seemed casting group buffs was the only way to heal and feed power to my group.
The "new" fight included some actual running around outside of being chain feared and kicked like nerf footballs. I enjoyed being able to run in and melee an Avatar encounter even if it was just for a few seconds to apply my CA-Debuffs.
It's still a fun fight, but the loot wasn't that great, infact it was the same exact loot as the Avatar of Storms kill, Censer and a master. I think this could be the 3rd AoM kill with the same exact loot as the previous Avatar kill, I think somthing could be wrong with AoM's loot table, I have bugged it, although this late in the expansion I doubt anything will be done to fix him since the tables are going to be stripped next expansion anyway.
Avatar of Fear's 3rd and most likly final showing on our server was fun, because it was a totally new encounter from the Avatar of Fear in June, the old one was a constant fear power drain fight which was challenging, but kind of sucked because I was litterally jammed in a corner casting group buffs to trigger power items and the heal off "convert ally", it was a fight just like the original Byzola where it seemed casting group buffs was the only way to heal and feed power to my group.
The "new" fight included some actual running around outside of being chain feared and kicked like nerf footballs. I enjoyed being able to run in and melee an Avatar encounter even if it was just for a few seconds to apply my CA-Debuffs.
Avatar of Fear,
Avatar of Mischief,
Dracos Argent
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Avatar of Storms, Avatar of Tranquility
Avatar of Tranquility was up Saturday morning, we killed him with a tad over 3 groups. Melladee grabbed Wristplates of the Dark lord. A pretty impressive piece.
Avatar of Storms Died today giving Satarah a server disco on Censer of Celestial Alignment. While I am not a huge fan of the item, I am considering bidding on the next one that drops and adding it to my heal set gear mainly for the Heal crit chance. 4% which would put me at 90% self buffed chance, but at the moment there are far better items out there to spend my dkp on.

This makes 71 Avatars killed in row by DA! I guess there is a chance to see up to 12 more spawns on the server before The Shadow Odyssey is released.
Avatar of Storms,
Avatar of Tranquility,
Dracos Argent
Friday, October 17, 2008
It was all a Trixy (Cane of Trickery)!
So Avatar of War was up yesterday, we killed him #69 (woo) Avatar in a row. The Trixy Cane of Trickery dropped, which has the coolest game graphic (and some pretty cool abilities), other than the Inquisitor Mythical. I really like the item, in fact I bid on the item and won the item but after some officer discussion it was deemed more useful to another class and I was asked to rescind my bid. I wasn't happy about it at first I almost said no. But after promise of sexual favors, souls and the naming of a first born child I decided it was better for the raid as a whole. Maybe next time!
The Race of the (Protectors) Realm.
Raiding T8 is getting so f'in boring, to spice up raiding PR (which now drops masters from 71+ on Smart loot.) we decided to split the raid up to run two groups in each instance, we both finished under 20 minutes.
The raid that I was in lost the race, but not by much. I blame Crazzel for not getting the shard fast enough, plus Sequel went link dead which stalled us up a bit. We got 5 smart loot masters - Deblin got Dispatched, which the raid collectivly cheered. Two Vyx Crest lockets (which went for min dkp and one to alt) last week I paid max dkp because up until last week, a I think total of three dropped for us since the begining of the expansion. We all walked away with over 12 pp each and I think we fully equipped two mage alts!
Trakanon's a joke.
At one time Trak was one of my favorite instanced encounters, now he's a complete joke. Even becoming the hour glass I parsed 1.9k dps on him, I am sure I would have broken 2.2k if I didn't become the hourglass.
I am almost a master!
I am almost fully mastered out, I lack Smite Corruption a level 71 spell, if anyone has it I'll pay up to 40pp for it.
The Race of the (Protectors) Realm.
Raiding T8 is getting so f'in boring, to spice up raiding PR (which now drops masters from 71+ on Smart loot.) we decided to split the raid up to run two groups in each instance, we both finished under 20 minutes.
The raid that I was in lost the race, but not by much. I blame Crazzel for not getting the shard fast enough, plus Sequel went link dead which stalled us up a bit. We got 5 smart loot masters - Deblin got Dispatched, which the raid collectivly cheered. Two Vyx Crest lockets (which went for min dkp and one to alt) last week I paid max dkp because up until last week, a I think total of three dropped for us since the begining of the expansion. We all walked away with over 12 pp each and I think we fully equipped two mage alts!
Trakanon's a joke.
At one time Trak was one of my favorite instanced encounters, now he's a complete joke. Even becoming the hour glass I parsed 1.9k dps on him, I am sure I would have broken 2.2k if I didn't become the hourglass.
I am almost a master!
I am almost fully mastered out, I lack Smite Corruption a level 71 spell, if anyone has it I'll pay up to 40pp for it.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
The Festival of the Dead... Next week!
One of my favorite times of year in Norrath is the Halloween event: The Festival of the Dead, not because of the fun events, but because of my memories of a few years back during the first Festival of the Dead.
I wanted to know how foolish people were, to see if people would buy the Halloween decorations off the Broker instead of the vendor. After the patch I purchased a handful of each of the decorations spending about 10 gold, I put them up on the broker for about 10g each. As I watched them sell, and sell I would rush back to the vendor to grab more, refill the stock and placing them on the broker. I made a good 20 platinum before people caught on to the fact that they could spend 24 silver to buy them.
I wanted to know how foolish people were, to see if people would buy the Halloween decorations off the Broker instead of the vendor. After the patch I purchased a handful of each of the decorations spending about 10 gold, I put them up on the broker for about 10g each. As I watched them sell, and sell I would rush back to the vendor to grab more, refill the stock and placing them on the broker. I made a good 20 platinum before people caught on to the fact that they could spend 24 silver to buy them.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Avatar of Flames Down.
So we killed Avatar of Flames this morning, with a less than optimal raid force, which makes Avatar kills really challenging and fun, Still getting lots of duplicate loot, 68 Avatar kills and still 10+ items on the loot table not discovered is kinda irritating, I hope they fix the loot in TSO so it is a little more evenly spread out.
I am going to go through and tag all of my blog posts today. I am not a wiz with blogs but one of my friends said that tagging my posts will allow better placement in some search engines, while I don't really care how many visitors I get, it would be cool to see if I get in to search engines.
I am going to go through and tag all of my blog posts today. I am not a wiz with blogs but one of my friends said that tagging my posts will allow better placement in some search engines, while I don't really care how many visitors I get, it would be cool to see if I get in to search engines.
Avatar of Flame,
Dracos Argent
Friday, October 10, 2008
Avatar kills are a blur these days! LU49 & Guild Halls
We've killed a few Avatars since my last post, the ones that I remember are Mischief and Justice (which I wish I could forget). Mischief died Tuesday and another pair of purple pants dropped. Shitty.
On Justice, last night we actually had Immortalis trading pulls with us, which was exciting and bad at the same time! Exciting, while I am not a big fan of a few of loud mouth jerks in thier guild, I am not going to deny that they have some good players.
A mixture of server lag, having 3 guilds in the area, random stupidity and lack of the right classes made it look like it was the first time we pulled him. While it wasn't near our record 72 minute long drunken fight (or our 17 minute on the ball no death fight) it was still 40 minutes of irritation just to see the Pauldrons of Good and Evil, for the fourth time, there are still 15+ items from the avatar loot table that we have not been disco'd on our server. We get HORRID luck when it comes to the good drops.
LU49 had a lot of changes and added guild halls which is kinda neat. I dumped 20million personal status in the guild hall and the leaders set everyone up as trusties to goof around with things for a week before they assign decorators to the hall... Some of the Amenities, Gaurds and Brokers have ended up in the oddest places, some with odd names and our Ratongas and Scouts are having way too much fun in the guild hall setting traps and hiding, and renaming important amenities.
The other major change in LU49 I love is casting buffs on the run, nothing annoys me more than havin to stand still just to buff players, especially the scouts.
On Justice, last night we actually had Immortalis trading pulls with us, which was exciting and bad at the same time! Exciting, while I am not a big fan of a few of loud mouth jerks in thier guild, I am not going to deny that they have some good players.
A mixture of server lag, having 3 guilds in the area, random stupidity and lack of the right classes made it look like it was the first time we pulled him. While it wasn't near our record 72 minute long drunken fight (or our 17 minute on the ball no death fight) it was still 40 minutes of irritation just to see the Pauldrons of Good and Evil, for the fourth time, there are still 15+ items from the avatar loot table that we have not been disco'd on our server. We get HORRID luck when it comes to the good drops.
LU49 had a lot of changes and added guild halls which is kinda neat. I dumped 20million personal status in the guild hall and the leaders set everyone up as trusties to goof around with things for a week before they assign decorators to the hall... Some of the Amenities, Gaurds and Brokers have ended up in the oddest places, some with odd names and our Ratongas and Scouts are having way too much fun in the guild hall setting traps and hiding, and renaming important amenities.
The other major change in LU49 I love is casting buffs on the run, nothing annoys me more than havin to stand still just to buff players, especially the scouts.
Friday, October 3, 2008
A little bit late but better than never... Ethereal Mist Gauntlets!!
I finally got them!

We killed three Avatars killed since my last post... Storms, War and Below... Nothing that great dropped from them. :(
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